Interesting findings on CSRF (cross site request forgery)

Found an interesting use case where the orkut has missed out CSRF rules.

  • Login to orkut as User1 .
  • Update the status as <a href="/GLogin.aspx?cmd=logout">its good!</a>
  • Login as User2.
  • Go to User1's profile home and click on the status, you will be successfully logged out. :)

Should orkut does not support anchor tags in its status ??


Prashant said…
Are the status updates in Orkut sent to your friends also ?

Then your friends who click on this link in your status update also get logged out ?
amar said…
The status updates shown on the friend's home will be encoded and non click able. so no problem. This scenario occurs only when the user access my home page and click on the status.
csrrrrf said…
Hello Amar, I am RRR doing My M.Tech. I want to know more about this CSRF. can you please send me your additional work on CSRF. my mail id is

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